Welcome to the registration system for rodent show in Czech Republic. This registration system was created to make life easier for show organizers and exhibitors.Before you will be able to submit for some show, it is necessary to create user account here. This user account you will be able to use on any ongoing show that will be held by this system. Registration system is mainly focused on Czech exhibitors so some parts are in Czech language. We will provide translation on Czech words - this especially applies to different breeds.
If you have any difficulties or questions regarding this system, don't hesitate to contact web administrator at
Waiting list in the registration system
To ensure fair registration process waitlist is implemented inside the registration system, which helps to maintain all registrations easy and transparently if there is no free cage for new registered animals.
Each show and each standard at show (it should be standard A,B,C for cavies; mice; rats; sale cages) have its own limit of number of cages. Simple rules are applied to this system :
once number of assigned cages is exhausted, all animals are placed to the waitlist (it means if I remove animal from show - there is a free cage. If there is an animal on waiting list, newly registered animal will be placed on the waitlist)
each standard at show have own limits (number of animals at standard and number of allowed animals per exhibitor) and also have own numbering at waitlist
waitlist rule is applied immediately after I remove animal from show or standard is changed (if you would like to change breed, color, registration number,... - you are not changing standard, so waitlist rule is NOT applied)
If I do not change standard - cage remains -
Placement to the show is based on order as new animals has been added (all animals, not only yours)
E.g. : limit for standard A are 3 cages
1st breeder added 2 animals for show - standard A
2nd breeder added 2 animals for show - standard A (2nd animal of this breeder is on the waitlist)
1st breeder changes 1 animal from standard A to the sales animal - 1 cage is released for standard A
3rd breeder add 1 animal - standard A (this is 5th animal at standard A and is on waitlist)
waitlist is processed - (there is 1 free cage in standard A, so 1 animal of the 2nd breeder (step 2) is addedd to the show)
2nd breeder remove 1 animal (1 cage is free)
2nd breeder add new animal to standard A (because there is waitlist rule already applied this animal goes to waitlist)
waitlist is processed - (there is 1 free cage in standard A, so 1 animal of the 3rd breeder (step 4) is addedd to the show)
just one animal remains on the waitlist - 1 animal of the 2nd breeder